考研寫作所有的技巧面對“考場時間”這把殺豬刀,會顯得尤其蒼白無力,考場上爭分奪秒,往往提前準備好的模板才是你最后的“殺手锏”。所有想要逆天而為,試圖挑戰自我,臨場發揮的同學,都很有可能倒在語法、詞匯、結構等等方面。也就是說 ,在考場上,你寫的每一句話一定是提前準備的。
首段 “骨肉相連”描圖三步走
例如: 2003年
1、骨架+小肉:Depicted in these two cartoons above is a flower showing different states in two entirely distinct conditions.
此句開篇,結構至關重要,此處用倒裝句描圖,Depicted in these two cartoons above is+圖片核心元素+分詞短語修飾。2. 多汁大肉:As is shown in the first picture, the flower, placed in a comfortable greenhouse which shelters it from the threatening storm, is in full bloom. On the contrary, when exposed to the heavy rain, the flower soon fades and withers, with petals falling on the ground.
As is shown in the first picture在所有的模板書均可找到,因此千萬不要放在第一句,但是如此漂亮的As引導的定語從句不用豈不可惜,因此調整順序,放在第二句即可,顯示出你支配語言的能力。2003年為兩幅圖(今年的重點復習方向),因此要注意兩幅圖之間的對比關系,用on the contrary強調句間關系。其中分詞作狀語、定語從句、獨立主格皆可以用于其他文章,舉一反三。
1、提出中心:The implication of this cartoon can be summarized as a philosophic topic in daily life: XXX is the first step towards success.
2、解釋說明:In other words, facing with delicate options, we had better march forward rather than hesitate. Indeed, if we are bewildered with the choices, opportunities may escape our attention.
3、舉例論證:For some people, their fear to lose is greater than their desire to succeed, so they end up doing nothing and their dreams become impossible.
4、正反論證:On the contrary, at any given moment, we have the power to say this is not how the story is going to end. Our braveness, perseverance, and decisiveness may earn us chances to solve current adversities, leading us out of the shadow.
5、總結中心:Clearly, the cartoonist, through this unique metaphor, encourages us to choose the latter.
積極正向:Evidently, there are reasons to believe that主題詞 can produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote international tourism.
消極負向:Evidently, there are reasons to believe that 主題詞can produce negative effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to avoid such phenomenon.
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