今年英語一的作文仍舊延續往年作文的出題特點,小作文屬于告示類,要求大家寫一篇通知,通知留學生去參加歌唱比賽upcoming singing contest。而大作文則仍舊為圖畫作文,雙圖對比類型。雙圖對比或對比類型圖是這幾年常考圖片,比如2016,2017年雙圖對比,2018,2019位單圖對比。圖片主題方向為個人品質,圖畫所反映出來的主題可以是良好習慣,行動,踏實認真等。為了能夠讓大家更深刻的了解2020考研英語一真題,學府在考后及時給各位同學送上2020考研英語一真題大作文的參考范文及個人品質方向所用到的必備詞匯,以供小伙伴們進行參考學習。
The above two pictures reveal two distinctly different attitudes towards academic pursuit. In the first picture, a pretty girl is absorbed in reading with a caption saying
“ It is time to be at ease until I finish it as soon as possible”. By contrast, in the second picture, a boy slumps onto the couch, writing “It is time to take action until the very last minute”.
The cartoons aim to instruct us that the positive habit of taking actions is an extraordinary valuable element necessary to succeed in academic performance, life journey and career prospects. It is a truth widely acknowledged that hard work is indispensable to success, turning stone into gold, while laziness is a bane of progress. No one would deny that, arduous efforts is truly the fundamental attribute of top performers, which separates the high achievers from the rest of the pack. For example, Tu Youyou, a pharmacologist and Noble Prize in Medicine winner, finally extracted artemisinin after 190 failures with her sustained efforts and trial and error. She seeks neither fame nor fortune and demonstrates a down-to-earth and conscientious style of carrying out scientific research.However, those who are lazy and slack, though not necessarily doomed to decline or failure, are more likely to grow unhealthily in an unbalanced way, with very little success.
Based on the above analysis, a striving spirit is indispensable part of our lives, which has aroused wide public concerns and provoked heated discussions recently. As an old saying goes, industriousness is the pyramidal cornerstone for success.As a qualified college student, I firmly believe that we can profit a lot from the spirit of diligence. Besides, I would strongly appeal to my fellow classmates to develop such a good habit of working hard to face the challenges and hardships. Only with the striving spirit, can we gain a rosy future.
好習慣:positive habit
行動:taking actions, work in earnest, spare no efforts to do complete one’s task, persist action, a down-to-earth attitude
勤奮:industrious; diligent
堅持不懈的努力: make unremitting efforts
奮斗: hard work; arduous efforts
拼搏: a determined spirit
毅力: willpower
設定目標: set a goal
進取精神: a striving spirit
應對挑戰:cope with/deal with difficulties and challenges
懶惰:Laziness, idleness, indolence
空談:empty talks
缺乏自律:lack of self-discipline
總體來看,2020年的考研英語一的大小作文在考查形式及內容上都延續往年真題命題的一貫作風,難度相對來說適中,相信大家只要復習備考充分,今年的寫作對大家來說都是a piece of cake! 20的考生已經結束了英語的考試,21的考研小盆友們,你們還在等什么,趕快拿著這些寫作詞句背起來!早起的鳥兒有蟲吃,希望21考研的同學們能夠從現在出發,備考明年的考研英語!最后,期待并祝福20考生在此次考研中都能收獲滿滿,拿到自己理想的成績!
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